Beta 0.5.547

After over 500 Revisions, we are finally proud to present the latest JDownloader BETA.


JDownloader 0.5 runs on Java 1.5 and Java 1.6. We stringly advise to use 1.6 on where possible.

Download latest version

2009/05/01 16:27


The BETA is compatible to the old config. So it is possible to just extract it to your old JDownloader directory. Please make sure to create a backup of your config folder before.


This Beta still is not complete and has minor errors. We are habe about any feedback.
Visit our support forums, our chat or write an email


As long as this version is beta, the webupdater is disabled. As soon as it is stable, and distributed by our updatesystem, this beta will automaticly update to the latest stable version.


IF you want to know more about the changes, see our changelog

This is new

From day tod ay, we will publish new Screenshots, tipps and tricks here,


JDownloader now uses a collapsible sidebar layout. The sidebar provides all importat interactions and informations for the current screen. In Downloadmode, the sidebar may be collapsed.

:-o Good to know

On slow machines, it may be usefull to disable some animations. You can disable extended animations by disabeling Configuration→Interface →Extended effects


Enable or disable Premiumusage globally in the bottom left. Rightclick on this icon to access premium quick config.

Stop Sign

Use a STOP sign on a certain link. JDownloader will stop downloading after this link. The stop sign replaces the old “Stop downloads after this link”


The linkgrabber provides packaging by drag&drop, filtering filetypes, online and statuschecks,hoster selection, and much more. The Linkgrabber's configuration allows to disable the filecheck or to edit a static filterlist. Using this list, you can filter special filetypes, hoster, etc. The filter is based on regular expressions wich match on the url or the filename.


You may miss the “move-buttons” in the toolbar to give some links a higher or lower priority by moving them up er down the downloadlist. We removed these buttons, because you still can sort your downloadlist using drag&drop. To priorize some links very quickly, we advise to use the new “Priority System”. Assign a priority from 0 (normal) to 3 (very high) to each link. Priorized links will always start before others, even though they are at the end of the list.

Lots of colored skins

Select on of many skins, to make JDownloader fit to your desktop. be continued
news/blog/x20090501-001-beta-0.5.547.txt · Last modified: 2016/06/27 16:33 (external edit)