The windowtitle always contains the app's name, followed by the version id (0.4.079 in this case)
If updates are available, JD remindes you in it's title
There are many Addons for JDownloader to extend it's functionality. If updates for addons are available, JD ads this updates automaticly to the downloadlist. See "Install & Update addons"
All your downloads are listed here. You can resort the list by either draging the entries, or using the „Move-buttons“. JD downloads from top to bottom. This means that resorting the list changes the priority. There are two different entries in the list. Packages and Downloadlinks. Downloadlinks can be grouped to packages.
Depending on the Downloadlink's status, the row has a different color.
Green: Download has finished successfull
White: Download has not started yet
Red: Download was aborted due to an error
Using this Checkbox, the user can enable and disable the Premiumfeature
Before beeing able to use your premiumaccounts, you have to check this option!
JD is able to download more than one link at the same time. This can be usefull to boost up your downloadspeed. The max. amount of paralell downloads is 20.
Most(not all) hosters allow only one download at a time. Buy a premiumaccount to download more
Sometimes it might be usefull to limit the bandwith JD uses to download. 0 means „not limitation“.
Add one or more links
Add a Downloadlink Container. DLC, RSDF and CCF are supported.
Removes the selected entries
Removes all finished Downloads (marked green)
Removes all finished packages.
Please note that by default, JD removes finished downloadlinks automaticly.
Exports the current Downloadlist (DLC Format)
Restarts JDownloader
Exits JDownloader
Opens the main configuration panel. There are two different configuration panels. You can switch between this two views
The drag&drop Target is a very small window, that is always on top of all other windows. You can drag Links from the browser over this window to add new links.
Opens the addons overview panel
Most addons define their own menu. You find an entry for each addon that uses a menu. Look at the addon's docs for details.
Opens the hoster's overview panel
All our premium plugins are listed here.
Opens the configuration panel for the selected hoster
Shows the program's log. The log is used by our supporters to identify bugs.
Details on how to upload your log
Link to our Supportpage
Link to our Knowledgebase
Link to theChangelog
Short infos about JDownloader and it's Devs
Starts and stops the downloadprogress. There are advanced config options to automaticly start downloads on programmstart.
waits until all running downloads have finished and stops. No new downloadlinks will start.
opens a dialog to add one or more links. You even can paste sourcecode of a website. JD will grab links.
Add a Downloadlink Container. DLC, RSDF and CCF are supported.
Removes the selected downloadlinks
Move the selected links/packages to bottom
Move the selected links/packages one down
Move the selected links/packages one up
Move the selected links/packages to top
Opens the main configuration panel. There are two different configuration panels. You can switch between this two views
If your connection is a dynamic ip connection (most dsl connections are) you can perform a reconnect to avoid waittime. To do this you have
If your routersettings are configured correct, you can force JD to do a reconnect.
If the clipboard observer is enabled, JD checks each content-change in your clipboard and searches fo supported links. If supported links are found, JD adds them. → The linkgrabber opens
JD Keeps itself up to date, and checks on each programmstart if there are waiting updates. To install new updates, just click this button.