JAntiCaptcha(JAC) is tool, written by JDteam, to find objects in images. In JD it's mainly used, to be a helpfull friend concerning captchas.
Disable broken captcha methods
The time in seconds, until a “Enter captcha” dialog disapears.
If checked, the automatic captcha recognition is disabled globally.
Jdownloader's anti captcha module calculates a value that says how “sure” JAC. This value is the so called “vality value”
0 --> probably wrong detected 100 --> absolutly correct
If JAC is unsure about the result (low vality value), it shows a captcha dialog to enable the user to edit it.
By default, the treshhold is set to 80. This means, that JD shows a captcha dialog if the “Vality value” is below 80.
Good to know