Latest Community News

JDownloader Home - Relaunch & a happy new year

Today, our JDownloader Homepage v2 (alpha) was released. Based on the famous DokuWiki, the site is designed to serv a very flexible and multilingual framework for Homepage, Download, Knowledgebase and Support. We did not only create a new homepage but we moved from the old server (sponsored by the-lounge) to our own one. There might be some problems during this relocation, but we hope to get rid of all problems soon.
The JD-Team wishes you all a happy and successfull new year.

2008/12/22 21:20

JD has new, own board!

Last few days JD-Team had setup new support/discussion board. We finished cooperation with the-lounge and started board service on our own. New board is powered by vBulletin and we hope it will be at least as reliable as old one for you, dear users!

Board Address:

2009/03/02 10:44

JD goes Jamendo


JDownloader now supports downloading from the Music/Artist Platform Jamendo !

Now you can ENJOY FREE MUSIC while using our FREE JDOWNLOADER :)

2009/02/19 04:03

Enlarged Updatesystem and proxy issues solved

Today, the JDownloader team published a new updatemirror. As of now, three servers share the load on a patch-day.

The first few hours (until 12.03.2009) there may be slow JD-starts. By tomorrow, everything will run fast.

Lire la suite...

2009/03/11 22:55

DLC-API Version 0.72

Jdownloader provides a container API for webmaster to create DLC, RSDF and CCF files, which is now available in version 0.72.


Older Versions may create damaged containers which cannot be loaded by any downloadmanager.

Lire la suite...

2009/01/31 16:17

DLC Limit activated

To avoid abuse of DLC containers, it's not allowed to open more than 4 containers in 10 minutes. You can free 2 DLCs here

Perhaps you have to restart jDownloader after unlock, this bug will be fixed soon.

2009/03/07 17:38

30 Min Downtime

We had a little downtime for about 30 minutes. It seem that our serverhoster had some troubles. All our services should be up and running again. If not not please let us know.

2009/03/03 17:42
fr/news/index.txt · Dernière modification: 2016/06/27 16:32 (édition externe)