
(3) Graphical user interface

Look & Feel

:-o Good to know

Please remember, that most interface configuration changes require a restart of jd to take effect.


Change the interface language of JDownloader. It's very easy to create new languagefiles using the JD Languagefile editor.


There are different Icon&Color themes available. Download new themes with the addonmanager (→ Theme pack).

Theme overview

Danish Royality


JDownloader gives audio-feedback on clicks and other interaktions.You can use diffrerent audio themes. Be default there is the default theme, and nosounds.

:-o Good to know

Select Sound theme „nosounds“ to deactivate all sounds.


Depending on you system, there are different Look & Feels available. Changing the look and feel means changing the total style, like windows, dialoges, colors, forms etc.


Treshhold for automatic packagegenaration

8-o Nerd option!
The linkgrabber tries to sort new downloadlinks to packages. To do this, it compares the filenames. Using this value, you can configure the „difference limit“ for new package creation.

LinkGrabber: Linkstatus (available)

If unchecked, The linkgrabber does not check the availability of the files.

:-oGood to know

If your linkgrabber shows only a white, empty window, you shoudl try to disable this option.

Reload Download Container

If you download a container file with JDownloader, JD can open this containerfile after downloading. This even works with „rar“- container files.

Show detailed containerinformation on load

Some containers, like DLC contain more information than only urls. Check this option if you want to display them.


If this option is checked, it may cause JD-crashes on some systems.


Splashscreen on startup

If you do not wnat to see the splash screen (JD-Logo) on startup, uncheck this option.

Disable affirmation dialogs

JDownloader often displays some security dialogs (Do you really want to…?). If you are pro enough, disable them here.

Disable tooltips from the download treetable

The treetable in the mainview contains tooltips to display some extra infos. You can disaply these tooltips here.

How many premiumaccount accounts should be displayed

JDownloader is able to control up to 20 accounts/hoster. By default there are only 5 input fields. increase this value if necessary.

Link CCF/RSDF/DLC to Jdownloader

JDownloader is able to link this filetypes and protocol types to himself. If you do not like this. it can be dissabled here. This feature is called “Click'N'Load


By default, JD tries to detect your systems default browser. If this does not work, or you like to use a different browser for jd, select your desired browser.

Test browser

Click this button to test your settings. If successfull, your browser should start showing the JDownloader.org homepage.

Custom browser

You even can use a custom browser. To do this

  1. Check the „Use“-option
  2. Enter the path to your browser
  3. enter parameters (1 per line)
  4. take care to use %url as URL-wildcard in a parameter