(4) Reconnect Configuration

What is a reconnect?

(→ See Reconnect) JDownloader contains different reconnect types.

Reconnect types

For all types, there is a „Test reconnect“ button. JDownloader tries to reconnect with the current configuration.

Http Liveheader Reconnect

A HTTP Liveheaderscript is a list of requestheaders. Using variables and regular expressions you even can simulate dynamic login processes. (→ more Infos about LiveHeaderScript).

First of all, you should enter your router's ip and the logins to your webinterface.

:!: Important

If your router is accessable through a hostname (e.g. speedport.ip or fritz.box), you should use this hostname.

Automatic functions

Three automatic functions help you to configure your router. If this 3 fail, we suggest to use the Reconnect Recorder: Automates the process of getting a new IP address

Fetch Router IP

If you do not know you router's ip or hostname you can ask JD to auto-detect it.

Select Router

Displays a list of supported routers. Select your router and test the reconnect. Often there are more then one script for your router. Try all of them and select the best and fastest.

:-o Good to know

For alle Fritz!Box routers, you should select the first script. AVM Fritz!Box; All via UPNP
Config router automaticly

The fully automated routerdetection collects information about your router, and searches in our onlinedatabase for reconnect scripts. Please remember that routerip and logins have to be set for this feature to work correct. This feature is also available in reconnect



Login for your router's webinterface (leave blank if there is none)


Password for your router's webinterface (leave blank if it's not password protected)

Router IP

Your router's IP. Use the routers hostname if available (e.g. speedport.ip)

First IP Check after(sec)

After the script has executed, JD waits this time beforeb checking for a new ip

Max. retries

Some ISPs do not alwys give you a new IP on reconnect. So it might be usefull to retry the reconnect in case of a timeout.

Wait for new IP

The time, JD checks for a new IP. If this time has run out without an IP-change, the reconnact failed.

Show reconnect info upload window

If JDownloader detects, that you are using a unknown script with success, it can ask you to upload it. Please contribute to enlarge our reconnect database. Others will be pleased.

HTTP Script

Externer Reconnect

…used to execute an external command, script or tools.


Some tools need parameters. Use only one parameter per line.

Timeout for ip-check/Waittime for first IP Check

(→ See HTTP Live Header)

Max. retries

(→ See HTTP Live Header)

Timeout for new IP

(→ See HTTP Live Header)

Timeout for command execution

Wait this time, or until the command returns.

Batch Reconnect


Set your interpreter:(windows: cmd.exe /c | linux: bash,..| mac: terminal)

Batch Script

List of indepentend commands. You cannot use commands like cd *, since the usualy are not independend from each others.

Execute in

The folder the commands should get executed in.

First IP-check waittime

Max. repeats

Waitfor new IP

Timeout for command execution

Wait this time, or until the command returns.


The CLR Reconnect is pretty much the same as HTTP Live header (but not as flexible). CLR is the Cryptload Format.

:!: Most of the working scripts have already been converted to HTTP Live header scripts.

:!: Important

We stringly advise you to create or use a JD-Reconnect method before using a CLR script.

External links

CLR Script databse http://cryptload.info/clr/
How to create CLR Scriptshttp://cryptload.info/wiki_en/wiki/Recording_a_reconnection


knowledge/wiki/gui/configuration/advanced-view/reconnect.txt · Poslední úprava: 2016/06/27 16:34 (upraveno mimo DokuWiki)