Could not create the virtual machine

The errormessage may also be:

The JVM found at .\jre is damaged. Please reinstall or define EXE4J_JAVA_HOME o point to an installed 64-bit  JDK or JRE.

If this error occurs when you try to start JDownloader, your Antivirustool has probably removed a file called deploy.jar that belongs to the java virtual machine used by JDownloader.


Option A

  1. Open your JDownloader Installationdirectory.
  2. Delete the Folder „jre”
  3. Try to start JDownloader
  4. If it does not work, Install the latest Java Version at
knowledge/wiki/problems/coult-not-create-the-virtual-machine.txt · ostatnio zmienione: 2016/06/27 16:34 (edycja zewnętrzna)